Rick Santorum hates democracy

 Democrats did well yesterday and a pro-choice Constitutional amendment passed in Ohio, even though this was an off-off-year election. The reproductive choice issue unites liberals and conservatives, both of whom want the nanny state out of women's personal medical decisions. The Democratic Party *is* the conservative party now, there is no liberal party.

I see where right-wing extremist Rick Santorum blames all this on democracy, which he opposes. Color me unsurprised. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4299354-santorum-ohio-results-pure-democracies/?fbclid=IwAR3-Jd4LMZ-Wc-st3kQGwm-5p1ykLRJaGOY8YMxwPHbZjXWPzFKmk_y3sAQ


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