Two sides

 Yes, there are two sides to every question. In most cases, there is a correct side and a wrong side. In the case of Kamala Harris, the correct side is that she was born a US citizen. The wrong side is that her parents had to be citizens or permanent residents for her to be a citizen.

President Trump pretended to be unsure about this, just as he pretended for five years that Barack Obama is not a citizen. In the case of the Harris noncitizen claim, it is backed by the racist Claremont Institute:

"The Claremont Institute masquerades as an intellectual salon of the right, but it is really just a racist fever swamp with deep connections to the conspiratorial alt-right. It even granted a fellowship to Jack Posobiec, who helped promote the notorious Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Claremont’s resident bigots offer deranged fantasies of violently expelling Americans from their home country because of their ethnic backgrounds. Their work deserves the intellectual weight given to that of David Duke and his Nazi-loving fellow travelers.

Claremont contributors also defend Trump’s most overtly racist comments, praising the president as “our most important truth teller.” And yet, despite the institute’s commitment to white supremacy, its “scholars” and “fellows” remain welcome in the conservative legal movement. They routinely participate in events hosted by the Federalist Society, a powerful network of conservative attorneys, where they can present their theories as part of a friendly debate within the staid world of legal scholarship. Indeed, the Federalist Society invited Eastman himself to debate birthright citizenship in 2018. These events create the false impression that there are two equally valid sides to the argument. It also elevates the ideas of would-be fascist storm troopers to the same status as those of conservative legal luminaries."

The Claremont Institute, an alt-right fever swamp, cooked up the racist fiction that children of immigrants aren’t citizens.


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