
Showing posts from June, 2020

ACA in front of the SCOTUS again

Just so you know, if the SCOTUS invalidates the ACA, all COVID-19 survivors will have a pre-existing condition and can be denied health insurance. Think about that. The Trump administration argued to the Supreme Court late Thursday that the entire Affordable Care Act “must fall.” The Justice... About this website TALKINGPOINTSMEMO.COM Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court To End Affordable Care Act The Trump administration argued to the Supreme Court late Thursday that the entire Affordable Care Act “must fall.” The Justice...

Transform the police

"Hire more women. Reduce discretionary encounters between police and civilians. Change the rules on use of deadly force. End no-knock warrants. Reform the qualified immunity standard. Train, train, and train again on de-escalation. There are so many things we could do if we were really serious about reforming policing in America."   About this website MOTHERJONES.COM Maybe we need more women on police forces

"Defund the police" and drug policy

I realize that the conversation today is around police violence against unarmed citizens, mostly African-American. It's been going on a long time and has complex causes, but one long-time reality for policing in communities large and small is drug-related violence. It is the major reason St. Louis city always pops up at the top of the list of violent places to live.   How much of the pressure driving violent escalation in police encounters has been dri ven by gangs and drug-associated activity? In the funding and behavior of American police, drug policy is treated as a fixed cost. Is it?   It seems to me that one way to "defund the police" is to decriminalize marijuana and opioid use. In the case of marijuana, if marijuana use and sales were legal in all 50 states, illegal production and sales would be reduced to the status of moonshine, which isn't a big industry or source of street crime. As for opioids, what are other countries doing to decriminalize narcotic

More pro-Biden ads, fewer anti-Trump ads

"Groups that want to defeat President Donald Trump have already spent a decent chunk of money making and airing negative ads making the case Trump should not be reelected. A new survey experiment by political scientists David Broockman and Joshua Kalla suggests that this is probably a mistake. People have already heard a lot about Trump, and neither pro-Trump nor anti-Trump ads are very effective at shifting people’s perceptions of him. By contrast, despite his 48 years in national politics, Joe Biden is not as well known. Both pro-Biden and anti-Biden messages can move the needle: People who don’t like Trump can still be convinced to dislike Biden, and people who do like Trump can be convinced that Biden is okay."

the COVID-19 jobless rate in one picture

How bad is the current jobless number compared to previous recessions? Click the link.