I really, really don't get the right-wing Christian evangelist objection to gay marriage. Certainly, my marriage to my first wife (which will mark 45 years this month) is unaffected, and Christians of every stripe have been getting divorced at the same rate pre- and post-Obergefell. If I eat a pizza while you're on a diet, does that negate your diet? If I eat pork, does that invalidate observant Jews and Muslims?
Folks, this isn't about religion, it's about control and it needs to stop. In a pluralistic society, there is room for many beliefs. Evangelicals who attempt to draft the nanny state to enforce their sectarian beliefs betray both America and the God they allegedly worship. Jesus was silent on the subjects of homosexuality and gay marriage. A true Christian follows the example of Jesus.
Wanna know what Jesus actually said? Mark 12:17.
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