About the SCOTUS leak

 Why did Alito's draft opinion get leaked? The smart money is on one of the right-wing majority or their staff, in order to counteract efforts by Roberts to recruit one of their number to a majority in favor of upholding a weakened Roe. Roberts, of course, realizes that a complete overturn of Roe will forever sully his name in judicial history. By pushing out the draft prematurely, the right-wing reasoning is that either Roberts will be intimidated or that the well of collegiality he's trying to draw from will be poisoned.

Regardless of the outcome, the myth of apolitical justice in the US has been exploded. If Roberts loses this round, look for a series of further decisions repealing Obergefell and other federal protections of the right to contraceptive access, inter-racial marriage, gay sex. According to Alito, if it's not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, it's not a Constitutional right and states can do whatever they want.
We're looking to move to blue America ASAP.


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