Boot RFK Jr from the clown car

I graduated college in 1977 with a BA (with honors) in microbiology. I took courses in virology and immunology, among others. Thus, as a 22 year-old, I was already more qualified to discuss vaccines against polio and COVID than RFK Jr is or will ever be. He’s not the only clown in the Trump clown car, but he’s definitely one of the worst:

“In recent weeks, Kennedy has said he fully supports the polio vaccine, but Americans are right to be skeptical of any revelation spouted in the face of a tough nomination hearing.


“Thousands of the nation's caregivers are not buying Kennedy's newfound embrace of a lifesaving inoculation. More than 15,000 doctors signed a letter earlier this month urging senators to vote against Kennedy's confirmation. "This appointment is an affront to the principles of public health, the tireless dedication of medical professionals," the letter said. "RFK Jr. has a well-documented history of spreading dangerous disinformation on vaccines and public health interventions, leaving vulnerable communities unprotected and placing millions of lives at risk. His appointment is a direct threat to the safety of our patients and the public at large."

When confronted with his anti-vaxxer statements, RFK Jr’s stock response was to demand evidence for vaccine safety. LOL! There are zero vaccines (or drugs) that are approved by the FDA without phase I trials, which are for safety. The results of those trials are all published. RFK Jr can read the evidence. He prefers to ignore it. For this reason alone, he deserves (a) our contempt and (b) to be denied the position of Secretary of HHS.

Kennedy does have some worthwhile things to say about chronic disease and lifestyle medicine. But that’s not enough to compensate for his deeply dangerous views on vaccines and public health:

“So, Kennedy has a few good ideas. Is that worth the risk he presents? No.


“I believe his presence would further undermine confidence in vaccines and in us, as healthcare providers. And, like the 15,000 doctors cited above, I believe his nomination is a threat to public health. Public health depends on science, data, and the careful communication of both. Kennedy's track record suggests to me that his leadership could fuel misinformation and harm vulnerable populations. This is not a gamble the country can afford to take.


“Kennedy's nomination should be thrown out.”



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