What’s the matter with Germany?

I see where Elon “Sieg Heil” Musk attended a AfG neo-Nazi party rally. In these times when authoritarianism is in ascendency throughout the world, I wonder whether Germany will be the next to succumb to right-wing extremism. I don’t have the resources to do my own polling, but I have an American friend who has worked in German biotech for decades. I asked him if AfG is about to come to power. His response:

“They are basically CSU/CDU but much further right. Which is why they have gotten more support than they should have. All this Nazi hoopla is shining an unwanted light on them, and it is likely to cost them in upcoming elections. German voters may move too far right some times, but they draw the line at Nazism. It is the anti-vaxxers that have joined the AfD that are the problem.”


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