The Cyber Truck guy speaks for himself

What sort of person commits suicide in a vehicle filled with flammables in front of a Trump-branded hotel? A deeply troubled person, I’d say. It’s tempting to write a motive to fit the circumstances, but how does that work? A highly decorated vet back from a war zone commits suicide. PTSD? TBD? Both?

We do have his own words, and they’re a dog’s breakfast of grievance. He denounces Democrats, demanding that they be “culled” from Washington by violence if necessary. He hopes his death will serve as a kind of claxon for a national rebirth of masculinity under Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Bobby Kennedy Jr.

He thinks Democrats are the problem, but then there’s this: “The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else with them. You are cattle to them.”

Of course, the top 1% includes Musk, Trump and their billionaire tribe.

I couldn’t make heads or tails of any of this from the MSM reports, but TPM linked to his entire manifesto, and I attach it here:


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