Diversity in healthcare delivery

Years ago, we had an MD/PhD student in our program who had Eilers-Danlos syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that causes joint laxity and frequent painful joint dislocations. After over a decade of being misdiagnosed, her correct diagnosis was made by a physical therapist, not a physician.

I noted in a previous post that I’ve been seen by nurses and physician’s assistants in clinics and gotten good care. I’ve had robotically assisted surgery that worked out fine. Now that AI can read radiological images with greater accuracy than most radiologists, we can expect machines and paraprofessionals increasingly to take over jobs that used to be done by physicians. American healthcare is evolving. Diversity in healthcare delivery is a good thing and should help control costs.

A PhD colleague who worked in a clinical department referred to physicians as “MDeities.” He was referring to their attitudes about their own status, but far too many patients treat their doctors as deities, too. Ideally, physicians and patients should be collaborators in treatment. Ask questions . . . but don’t forget to listen for answers.


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