Quote of the day

Lifted from a comment thread over at jabberwocking.com:

"Once again, the critical voting bloc, that is "working class" whites who don't benefit from actual Republican economic policy, feels that it is under threat. That threat is real, not imaginary - it is the loss of White Christian Supremacy. This arouses powerful basic tribal instincts. These instincts take precedence over rationality and even self-preservation. They typically involve the elevation of some quasi-superhuman leader. Loss of this supremacy is felt as catastrophic - it's like losing a war. This kind of thing is probably happening in several places in the world at any given time.

"Republicans are fairly open about the "Christian" part, but it is still not acceptable for national politicians to be openly racist. They pretend that the Republican base is agitated about other things, such as the supposed dominance by the liberal economic "elite" or the threat of Marxism." 


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