Gym Jordan's Halloween

I see where Donald Trump has given a full-throated endorsement of Gym Jordan as the next House speaker. Figures. Here's Josh Marshall with a little history:

"To refresh your memory: Before Jordan got into politics he was an assistant wrestling coach (1987-1995) at Ohio State. He claims he didn’t know the team doctor was sexually molesting team members. But apparently it was an open secret and a number of team members from the time claim Jordan knew. They go on TV and say it.

"The initial version of the scandal was put to rest when Jordan’s House colleagues just decided it didn’t matter. But Jordan’s explanation never really passed the laugh test. For someone outside the party leadership, what counts and what doesn’t is mostly up to the member’s constituents and the GOP caucus. Different story if you’re Speaker of the House. There’s little question that that whole pretty ugly saga would come in for a full review were Jordan to become Speaker."


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