The GOP hate machine

 I've never been a republican. I'm not especially liberal, but I've never seen the appeal of any republican since I reached voting age. I'm old enough to remember Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan when they were the faces of the GOP, and I found them both obviously repellant.

From a comment thread over at

"Trump is a 21st Century Ronald Reagan. The hatred is there, but his followers see him as a misunderstood good guy who only wants what’s best for the country. They can support him because he makes them feel good about their hatred. It’s not hatred at all, just a righteous defense of their values. He puts up a fun house mirror and they look in it and see patriots fighting for freedom.

"DeSantis is a 21st Century Nixon. The hatred is there for all to see. It is unvarnished. DeSantis makes them see their own hatred for what it actually is. He puts the mirror up and they look in it and see the monsters they actually are."

Apparently Rupert Murdoch and his propaganda machine have soured on Trump and DeSantis, and the eye of Sauron is turning to Glenn Youngkin.


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