Prospects for 2024

In principle, the GOP has a great shot at control of the Senate in 2024. But between Trump and Dobbs, what should have been low-hanging fruit could be slipping away. November 2024 is a very long way off, so reading the tea leaves (or entrails) is still dicy prophecy, but trends are not good for Republicans.

"Real estate mogul Ron Weiser has been one of the biggest donors to the Michigan Republican Party, giving $4.5 million in the recent midterm election cycle. But no more.

"Weiser, former chair of the party, has halted his funding, citing concerns about the organization's stewardship. He says he doesn't agree with Republicans who promote falsehoods about election results and insists it's "ludicrous" to claim Donald Trump, who lost Michigan by 154,000 votes in 2020, carried the state.
"I question whether the state party has the necessary expertise to spend the money well," he said.

"The withdrawal of bankrollers like Weiser reflects the high price Republicans in the battleground states of Michigan and Arizona are paying for their full-throated support of former President Trump and his unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him."


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