Indictment coverage

 Most of the MSM coverage of the latest trump indictments concerns outrage from Trump, his attorneys, and various GOP political figure. The supposedly "left-wing" media is falling all over itself to hand the megaphone to Trump's defenders. Which is why I don't watch TV and mostly avoid the MSM.

Here's the sober voice of Prof. Juan Cole over at his "Informed Comment" blog:

"The insular American television news media keeps calling this indictment “unprecedented.” But lots of heads of state have been indicted, even indicted more than once, and tried and jailed. The U.S. has been peculiar in the degree to which it has neglected to treat ex-presidents the way ordinary citizens are treated.

"In fact, in this case Trump was given enormous latitude, since he was allowed the opportunity to return the purloined classified documents. An ordinary person found with classified documents in their home would have been arrested on the spot."


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