Tucker Carlson update
The NYT has a theory that Fox possesses a gentility previously unmeasured, and that Tucker Carlson's behavior was something up with which even Fox would not put.
"When considering just what could have been so bad, consider that Carlson repeatedly insulted Donald Trump (not great for a Fox audience) and repeatedly called Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and an unnamed Fox executive the c-word. So it’s got to be pretty bad. Offensive remarks about women were manageable. This wasn’t. The Times says it hasn’t seen the actual messages but seems to leave open the possibility that they were briefed on their gist. The key part of their summary is that the messages “showed [Carlson] making highly offensive and crude remarks that went beyond the inflammatory, often racist comments of his prime-time show and anything disclosed in the lead-up to the trial.”"This is tea leaf reading. Perhaps it’s nothing. But it seems notable to me that they seem to place particular focus on racist comments."
Sounds to me that Carlson will start a bidding war between OAN, The War Room and Infowars for his services. His firing only burnishes his right-wing brand.
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