It's too late, baby
"The last time there were about 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere was the Pliocene era, roughly 5-2 million years before the present. In the middle of that era, about 3 million years ago, temperatures were particularly high. Temperature fluctuated in the past because the earth went through periods of high volcano activity. Over millions of years, the eruptions could gradually increase the CO2 in the atmosphere. Then over millions of years, oceans, igneous rock and other carbon sinks would absorb it again. If the volcanoes settled down for a while, the CO2 levels fell. Again, this took hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
"Humans are much more virulent than a few volcanoes. We have done to the earth’s atmosphere in 270 years what it used to take nature millions of years to do."Even if all anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas stopped today, it would make no difference for the planetary plunge into the abyss of coastal flooding, widespread desertification and the associated resource wars that look to commence by 2050. The loss of albedo due to glacial and sea ice melting, and the continued and growing release of CO2 and methane from the melting of permafrost and methane clathrates will continue unabated.
The only possibilities for mitigation of this inevitability would be global atmospheric carbon capture and/or geoengineering. It would require a crash program to develop and deploy these technologies in the next decade in order to divert the world from its current path. And even if the technology emerged, would the political will to implement it exist.
I weep for our children and grandchildren.
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