Just the facts, please
Increasingly, when I read articles in the MSM, I ask myself "cui bono?" Does the article report data, or just interviews with a couple of people? Does the headline match the article? Does the evidence support the tone?
Media outlets in America have to make money to survive, so in the eyeball marketplace, they benefit by pumping out stories that excite readers at the expense of respecting their intelligence by showing them facts and evidence (which anyway are more time-consuming and expensive to gather and interpret).So has the world that was promised to 30-44 year-olds betrayed them? Are they in decline? As always, Kevin Drum shows his work and concludes:
"The overall picture is pretty plain: on average, 35-44 year-olds are doing as well or better than their parents at that age. It took too long, and I'd prefer it if they were doing better still, but the stereotype of the gig-job millennial is long out of date. Right now, they're doing just fine."
Read the rest here:
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