Kahlil Gibran

Juan Cole is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. He's been blogging at "Informed Comment" since 2002. I donated to his recent fund drive, and recently received as a gift an autographed copy of his translation of Kahlil Gibran's "Spirit Brides."

Gibran's "The Prophet" was popular when I was in high school and college. I think I read a few pages before I put it down. Recently, I read a reviewer who found the early part boring but was glad he finished.

Since I had a copy of "Spirit Brides" in hand, and since it's only 70 pages, I figured I'd read it. There are three stories, told in the style of allegories. I read it more slowly than I usually do, to savor the words, since Cole put a lot of effort into the translation. The writing is almost poetical in imagery, but the writing is evocative without calling unnecessary attention to itself. I found myself unexpectedly moved emotionally by the characters and events, and had to put the book down several times to reflect on what I was reading.

I should probably read it again sometime, since I think there are things I may have missed. It was an unexpected pleasure.


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