"Pro-life [sic]"

When this story first broke, it wasn't clear from the articles I read that these asylum seekers came from Texas, although the Republican states Texas, Arizona and Florida has previously dumped migrants in Democratic cities. Now the barbarism of Republican governors is on display again:
"About 110 to 130 men, women and children got off the buses outside the Naval Observatory on Saturday night in 18-degree weather after a two-day journey from South Texas, according to the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network. On the coldest Christmas Eve day on record in the District, some migrants were bundled up in blankets as they were greeted by volunteers who had received word that Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, had sent the caravan."
Apparently, some were dressed in shorts and T shirts. Jesus weeps. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/12/25/nation/migrants-bused-texas-arrive-vice-president-harriss-house-frigid-christmas-eve/?fbclid=IwAR1J4qWWPvxKBJAWjQZAiUDigCbd6tj-mxVoUPYJZdN9ZsIkV_2Qzj8eYu4


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