This is scary
From a paywalled article at TPM:
"There is one looming possibility that is different from all of this. There’s a very good chance that a Republican House will drive the country into a debt default next year. They will likely set up a situation in which Joe Biden has to agree to repeal all the 2021 legislation and/or force big cuts to Social Security and Medicare or they push the country off the cliff. I sense there is zero appetite among Democrats nationwide or in the White House to even engage those discussions. I’m confident that Republicans will be willing to shoot the hostage. So I think a default will happen. The consequences of that will be cataclysmic, immediate and mostly unfixable. This isn’t something where people get furloughed for a few weeks. It’s the U.S. government declaring bankruptcy which will have all the impact you can imagine on its future ability to borrow money at low costs. And also, it’ll basically mean a global financial crisis."Vote, people, as if your country depends on it. It does.
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