On the reliability of prophecy

 Since the COVID pandemic began, My Lovely And Talented Wife® and I have played a prophecy game. One of us would make a prediction and sign it, then we would revisit it when the deadline passed. Yesterday, one of my prediction papers was retired: "Roe will be overturned in 2022."

I'm not claiming any special genius, but there were certainly many pundits, paid well for their opinions, bloviating about stare decisis and how even the Trump right-wing justices who were expressly selected for their desire to overturn Roe wouldn't dare follow through.
There's a lot of BS out there. It's important to rely on arguments from evidence, not arguments from authority. But if you must cling to arguments from authority, read this link and remember which authorities to ignore in the future. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/30/roe-wade-supreme-court-commentary/


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