Fossil fuels

The world needs to replace fossil fuels with nuclear, solar, wind, tide and geothermal power. We're finishing our 9th year with rooftop solar, which provides ca. 25% of our electricity needs annually. On the other hand, our furnace, stove, oven, water heater and clothes dryer are all gas. Natural gas (methane) burns cleaner than coal, but it is still a fossil fuel. That said, 70% of electrical generation in Missouri comes from coal, so replacing electric appliances with gas is at least somewhat less polluting.
When we move to RI, we'll give up the rooftop solar. Nearly 90% of electric power in RI is fueled by gas. So both electric and gas appliances in RI are operating on fossil fuel. Ditto electric vehicles.
I doubt we'll install rooftop solar on the house we eventually move to in RI. We will have an energy inventory done to identify ways to minimize wasted energy. But remember, just because it's electricity doesn't mean it isn't using fossil fuel.


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