Popularity is ephemeral

 It's easy to be seduced by the idea that the trends of today will continue indefinitely. I remember growing up in a world in which the USSR seemed permanent.

Currently, Putin is polling well with his invasion of Ukraine, just like GW Bush polled well after his invasion and military occupation of Iraq. That didn't last for Bush, and I don't look for it to last for Putin. Time isn't on Putin's side.
"Historical data shows that diversionary wars — fighting abroad to draw attention away from problems at home — have rarely worked for Putin.
"Daring and expensive military adventures will, over time, decrease the Kremlin’s popularity, history also tells us.
"As a scholar of Russia and public opinion, I know that war ultimately requires an enormous amount of public goodwill and support for a political leader — far more than a brief spike in popularity can ensure."
As the kids say, read the rest: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/cafe/putins-public-approval-soaring-russia-ukraine-crisis-temporary?fbclid=IwAR3Jv-OSqCKUwldxVwY6fZwe2l1gq7T55C2eOmw50urHAaJSd8QG2mxE5Cw


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