The real replacement theory?

 Fox and the Trumpist GOP (but I repeat myself) have been flogging the "replacement theory" that Democrats favor fewer restrictions on immigration because non-white immigrants are genetically programmed to vote for Democrats, will be granted voting rights as soon as they land, and their children will be able to vote after 6 weeks of gestation.

Actually, Breitbart has figured out the real Democratic Party replacement theory plot. It has nothing to do with immigration:
"A few weeks ago, Breitbart News — the right-wing, hyperpartisan news site formerly run by Steve Bannon — published a truly galaxy brain column. Editor-at-large John Nolte argued that Democrats have been promoting the COVID-19 vaccine not to save lives but instead to trick Republican voters into not getting the jab. Nolte’s theory concluded that this, in turn, would lead to unvaccinated Republicans getting sick and dying from COVID-19, ultimately helping Democrats electorally."
Funniest. Conspiracy. Theory. Ever.


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