Church v state

 Evangelical churches today are businesses that cloak themselves in a veneer of religion to avoid taxes. They are violating the church-state wall by engaging in politics. 

Israel provides an object lesson in the danger of mixing church and state. While one may celebrate the assembly of an opposition majority to depose the criminal Netanyahu, Bennett is more right wing. The Israeli right is not only immoral, they are playing a losing demographic game. 

"The Ultra-Orthodox or Haredim are about 8 percent of Israel’s population, but under Netanyahu (himself a secularist), they have wielded political power far beyond their numbers and have garnered special perquisites for their members, some of whom prefer to study the Bible than to work and who want to be exempt from military service.

They are thus analogous to the American Evangelicals, who are only 16 percent of Americans but who have captured the Republican Party and have it do their bidding."


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