Some change is for the good

 "Unlike the US and Europe, [northern Africa and the Middle East] didn't begin phasing out leaded gasoline in the '70s and '80s. That had to wait until the late '90s for some countries and a few years later for others.

"Significantly, both Egypt and Saudi Arabia, ground zero for the production of terrorists, phased out lead around the year 2000, which means that teens and young men in both countries have now largely grown up without lead poisoning—and within a decade everyone under the age of 30 will be lead free. In the same way that this led to a plummeting crime rate in the US, it was almost certain to lead to plummeting terrorism rate in these two countries.
"Other countries have lagged behind a bit, but most of them phased out leaded gasoline in the mid-2000s or a few years later. The laggards are Algeria, Iraq, and Yemen, and it's no coincidence that all three remain very violent places."


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