The US is not Germany 1945

 There's some consternation out in FB land about the fact that, after the inauguration, there will still be tens of millions of Trump supporters in America. True.

Not to go all Godwin here, but I've read that upwards of 90% of Germans supported Hitler and the Nazis, at least until they started losing. Hitler and the Nazis were far more barbaric than Trump and the Republican Party during the past four years, and Trump's approvals were never over 50% at any point in his presidency. If Trump's SA had been like Hitler's SA, there would have been much more destruction and loss of life.
Those Germans didn't go away, but most of them accepted the new regime peacefully. Yes, Germany was occupied after the war. The Capitol is currently occupied after the Trump riot (and subway stations closed, and roads closed). The current threats need to be taken seriously, and there are certainly lone wolves out there. But most of the Trumpenproletariat isn't interested in murdering fellow citizens or being deprived of their pizza delivery and cable TV. I feel confident that this will dissapate in the next few months. There is no vaccine for racism and/or fascism. Their practitioners have merely been masking. They have always walked among us. The repudiation of Trump, not just at the polls but in the marketplace, will eventually sour his cult and they will look elsewhere for their next dear leader.


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