Fox News is poison

 A popular meme in social media is that people have to watch Fox News to get a balanced view of the world. That's like saying you need to breathe carbon monoxide as well as oxygen in order to get a balanced experience of respiration.

Fox isn't news. It's propaganda. The notion that watching propaganda is instructive would sit well with Stalin, Mao or Castro, but it has no place in America. It is a pernicious influence on the national discourse. Why the GOP continues its mutually parasitic relationship with Fox is a question any patriotic American should wonder and worry about.
"So give me a call when the Republican leadership works up the nerve to finally disown Fox News. When they finally admit publicly what everyone else already knows: Fox isn’t a news network, it’s a machine designed to make money by pitting Americans against each other. The First Amendment may give them this right, but it doesn’t force any of us to accept it—not even Republicans. Until they disown Murdoch’s cynical meal ticket, they aren’t even remotely serious about disowning Trump. He’s merely the symptom. Fox News is the underlying disease."


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