What Would Stalin Do to the CDC?

Under Stalin, every aspect of life in the USSR--agriculture, the military, science, etc--was subordinated to the Party. In an example close to my heart, Russian geneticists were world leaders until the political hack, Trofim Lysenko, convinced Stalin that his phony model for crop improvement conformed to Party dogma and authentic genetics was sabotage. As a result, geneticists in the USSR were imprisoned or shot, and millions of peasants starved.

Flash forward to the pandemic in the Trump administration. Messaging from scientists at the CDC didn't conform with the WH message, so the science had to be replaced by Party propaganda. While only tens of thousands may have died unnecessarily, and no CDC scientists were jailed or shot, the Trump administration, like the Stalin administration, subordinated science to politics and the control by Party hacks. Shame. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/former-cdc-staffers-kellyanne-conway-ivanka-trump-meddling?fbclid=IwAR3q-hkBYco2lrMCBaM6qDKTdU82w2ksAt6oY2ScOG0ps43ElYe1fjs44XU


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