Climate change and rain forests
It is difficult to overstate the bleak future facing humanity by the end of this century. As global warming continues unabated, more and more of the earth's surface will become unavailable to human habitation, touching off large scale resource wars. We're already seeing resource-driven violence in the Middle East and Central America.
On top of that, warming will drive positive feedback forcing from, e.g., the release of methane (a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide) from deep sea methane clathrates and the thawing of permafrost. And now this:
On top of that, warming will drive positive feedback forcing from, e.g., the release of methane (a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide) from deep sea methane clathrates and the thawing of permafrost. And now this:
"Even limiting global temperatures to 2°C above pre-industrial levels – already a best case scenario – will push nearly three-quarters of tropical forests above the 32°C heat threshold we identify. As each degree increase above the heat threshold releases 100 billion tonnes of CO₂ from tropical forests to the atmosphere, representing over 280 years of annual fossil fuel emissions by a country such as the UK, there is a clear incentive to avoid further warming."
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