Go slow on Medicare for All (cross-posted from Facebook)
Medicare for All makes for a great campaign slogan, but the reality is that it will be a long slog to implement. The chief barrier to its implementation is the stranded asset problem; there is an immense amount of wealth tied up in the insurance industry. The people who stand to lose financially will oppose this and will demonize the supporters.
"Some form of single-payer health insurance makes sense for the United States. It’s fine for Democrats to say this. But they need to acknowledge that putting such a plan in place will take time and needs to be done carefully to build voter support, overcome resistance by vested interests, limit job losses, and avoid major implementation disasters. If we play our cards right, we can build on the Affordable Care Act and position ourselves to have some kind of single payer system in place in 20 years. If we overplay our hand, we may end up with four more years of Trump.
My guess is that most of the candidates for the Democratic nomination are aware of all this. They could explain to Democratic voters why implementing Medicare for All will be a long, drawn-out struggle. They could teach voters to distinguish between universal coverage, which should be achievable in the short-run, from single-payer, which is not achievable in the short-run and may lead to electoral disaster. They could encourage Democrats to be hard-nosed, patient, and strategic. Instead, they are pandering to idealistic primary voters. The path to a realistic progressive politics will be long . . ."
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