
After age 50, adults lose 3% of their muscle strength every year, on average. This has knock-on effects with loss of blood glucose control (diabetes), loss of balance (falls, bone breaks), frailty and shortened life expectancy. But it is possible to slow this decline by exercise. Exercise doesn’t just build and maintain muscle mass, it stimulates signals from the muscle (“myokines”) that reduce cell damage due to free radicals and improve energy production and efficiency of mitochondria, those little energy factories in your cells.

If you don’t have a regular exercise program, start one. Find one you enjoy, so it is sustainable. There’s plenty of advice online (e.g., youtube), and stuff like walking, isometric exercises, push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups are free. Or join a health club or yoga class. You’ll be happier, have a longer healthspan and be able to spend more healthy years with your loved ones.


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