Unexpected encounter
For the past year, I’ve often encountered Sue, a local from Pawtucket, on my walks to Slater Park. She walks fast, takes pictures with her cell phone and can be very chatty. Over time, I learned that she has a pet conure and that she’s into fad diets. Yesterday, she asked why I’d been AWOL on the 10 Mile River Greenway and said she had been worried about me. Yesterday, I learned far more about Sue than I cared to. She informed me that we’re all born perfect, and that our subsequent lives—diet, culture, etc.—are what causes all the evils we see. She doesn’t believe vaccines prevent disease, claiming that in her job as a hospital phlebotomist, she never once got sick. In re: we’re born perfect, I asked her whether she thought Hitler and Stalin were born perfect. She informed me that Hitler was guiltless, never killed anyone and was “tricked” by Stalin*. In re: vaccines and disease, I asked her if she knew anyone who had smallpox. When she acknowledged that she didn’t, I pointed out that ...